
Friday, October 11, 2024

We welcomed 28 students from Matsue-Kita high school in Shimane and held a meeting in one of the iCeMS meeting rooms. In this event, three researchers in different laboratory made a presentation about their research for students. The students seemed to listen hard to the presentations even in English. At the end of the event, the students asked many questions and researchers talked about their high school years. We hope this study tour will help them think about their future. 


Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Maftuna and Weijia who are exchange students, will go back to their each country in early August. Maftuna presented her research in Japan at the final presentation of Amgen Program held on Monday, and we all joined in the farewell party. We also  had lunch at Les Deux Garçons à L' institut (Sakyoku, Kyoto) as a farewell party for Weijia today. We’ll miss you, but keep up the good work!

8月上旬に留学生のMaftunaさんとWeijiaさんがそれぞれ帰国されます。月曜日にはMaftunaさんがAmgen Programの発表を行い、みんなで記念パーティに参加しました。また、今日は送別会としてWeijiaさんとLes Deux Garçons à L' institut でお昼を食べました。寂しくなりますが、お二人の今後の活躍を期待しています!

Friday, July 26, 2024

Prof. Tamanoi gave a keynote lecture at the 20th Congress on Neutron Capture Therapy held in Osaka. The title of his talk was “Tumor elimination by novel boron-containing dipeptides.” 


[日本中性子捕捉療法学会学術学会 第20回ホームページ]

Monday, July 1, 2024

We welcomed Weijia, an exchange student. She comes from Oxford. Nice to meet you! I hope that your time at our lab will be fulfilling and productive.


Monday, June 10, 2024

We welcomed Maftuna, an exchange student. Nice to meet you! I hope you enjoy your stay in Japan.


Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Nakamura-san, an office assistant at Tamanoi G, has graduated from Kyoto university. Congratulations! Thank you for working with us, and we wish her continued success in her future!


Friday, September 8, 2023

Prof. Tamanoi gave a keynote lecture titled "Developing the Novel Radiatin Therapy Involving Auger Electrons : Nanoparticles and DNA Binding Reagent " at 10th International Symposium on the Physical, Molecular, Cellular  and Medical Aspects of Auger Electron Processses.


オージェ学会  ホームページ]

Friday, July 21, 2023

Prof. Tamanoi gave a keynote lecture at the 5th Annual Meeting of the Quantum Life Science Society held at the Osaka University Hall. The title of his talk was "Auger Electrons and the Development of Quantum Nanomedicine."


International Conference Precision Nanomedicine in Theranostics & The 2023 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Nanomedicine Society  ホームページ]

Friday, May 19, 2023

Prof. Tamanoi gave a keynote lecture at the 5th Annual Meeting of the Quantum Life Science Society held at the Osaka University Hall. The title of his talk was "Auger Electrons and the Development of Quantum Nanomedicine."

玉野井先生が大阪大学会館で行われた量子生命科学会第5回大会で基調講演をしました。講演のタイトルは、「オージェ電子と量子ナノ医療の展開」 です。

量子生命科学会第5回大会 ホームページ]

Friday, February 24, 2023

Prof. Tamanoi gave a keynote lecture at the 5th Annual Meeting of the Quantum Life Science Society held at the Osaka University Hall. The title of his talk was "Auger Electrons and the Development of Quantum Nanomedicine."

玉野井先生が日本サルコーマ治療研究学会学術集会にて講演しました。講演のタイトルは、「CIC-DUX4肉腫に対する新しいアプローチ:CAMモデルとシグナル伝達研究 です。

[第6日本サルコーマ治療研究学会学術集会 ホームページ]

Monday, December 19, 2022

Today, we had a farewell party for Ms. Mathilde. She will be leaving the group at the end of the year. We wish her the best of luck!


December 6~8, 2022

Prof. Tamanoi gave a presentation at "15th International Symposium on Nanomedicine (ISMN2022)" in Tokushima.  He is one of the chairs of the steering committee. 

He chaired the symposium session (Day1) and gave a talk titled "Quantum Science, Nanomedicine and Radiation Therapy" (Day2).

You can check the details of  the conference from the link below.  (English)

玉野井先生が徳島県で開かれた"15th International Symposium on Nanomedicine (ISMN2022)"で講演しました。玉野井先生は当シンポジウムsteering committee座長を務めてます。

1日目のシンポジウムセッションで座長を務め、2日目に"Quantum Science, Nanomedicine and Radiation Therapy"のタイトル で講演しました。

15th ISNMホームページ

November 16~18, 2022

Prof. Tamanoi gave a presentation at the academic conference on the patient-derived model.  He chaired the symposium session "New Possibilities for CAM Models" and gave a talk titled "Development of mutant KRAS Targeted Therapy and CAM Models."

In addition, Ms. Komatsu exhibited a poster at the same conference titled "Usefulness of CAM Models for the rare cancer research and its potential for personalized medicine."

You can check the details of  the conference from the link below.  (Japanese only)

玉野井先生が日本患者由来がんモデル学会2022学術集会で講演しました。シンポジウムセッション「CAMモデルの新しい可能性」で座長を務め、「変異KRAS標的治療の展開とCAMモデル 」のタイトル で講演しました。



Monday, November 7, 2022

Prof. Tamanoi gave a talk at the seminar in Japan Reagent Association.

The title of his talk was "The potential for development of cancer therapy in Japan."

玉野井先生が日本試薬協会 西部地区講演会で講演しました。講演のタイトルは、「日本からのがん治療開発の可能性」 です。日本試薬協会のホームページ(会員サイトのみ)に動画が掲載されます。

 日本試薬協会ホームページ  (Japanese only)

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Mr. Matsumoto gave a presentation at the academic conference "The 18th Congress on Neutron Capture Therapy".

He talked about the new possibility of BSH, using silica nanoparticles. Silica nanoparticles enhance the cellular uptake of BSH and BNCT effect.

You can check the details of "The 18th Congress on Neutron Capture Therapy" from the link below.

松本助教が第18回 日本中性子捕捉療法学会 学術大会で発表しました。講演のタイトルは、「シリカナノ粒子が切り開くBSHの新たな可能性~BSHの細胞内取り込みの促進とBNCT効果の向上~」です。


Monday, August 22, 2022

Prof. Tamanoi gave a talk at the seminar in Fujita Health University, "Fujita Health University Comprehensive medical Science Seminar Club."

The title of his talk was "DNA replication and Cancer Therapy."

玉野井先生が藤田医科大学でのセミナー「Fujita Health University Comprehensive medical Science Seminar Club」で講演しました。講演のタイトルは、"DNA replication and Cancer Therapy" です。

Monday, July 24, 2022

Ms. Mathilde gave a presentation at the academic conference "Solgel2022" in France. The title of her talk was "Biodegredable organosilica nanoparticles as nanocarriers in boron neutron capture therapy."

You can check the details of "Solgel2022" from the link below.

マチルダさんがフランスでの学会 Solgel2022 で発表しました。講演内容は、"Biodegredable organosilica nanoparticles as nanocarriers in boron neutron capture therapy" です。 


Monday, June 13, 2022

We had a lab meeting and welcomed Ms. Joey! She is an exchange student from Singapore. Nice to meet you!


Monday, April 18, 2022

Happy Easter!!! 

Today, we ate a big rabbit-shaped chocolate and egg-shaped chocolates!



Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Our research is introduced in a one-minute animation on iCeMS's Youtube. Please take a look!



Monday, February 14, 2022

We have reported that PIP-Based KRAS inhibitor KR12 exhibits excellent tumor accumulation properties. We evaluated PIP portion of KR12 for its tumor accumulation capability using the CAM assay, a simple and versatile chicken egg tumor model. As a result, we have shown that the PIP contained in KR12 exhibits remarkable tumor accumulation and localizes near the nucleus. KR12 also inhibit tumor growth in the CAM model. Thus, it is expected that new KRAS inhibitors will be developed and the CAM assay will be useful for evaluation of tumor accumulation.

KRAS阻害剤として開発されたKR12 に含まれたピロールイミダゾールポリアミド(PIP)の強い腫瘍蓄積に関する研究成果を発表しました。



Higashi, Y., Ikeda, S., Matsumoto, K., Satoh, S., Komatsu, A., Sugiyama, H. and Tamanoi, F. (2022) Tumor Accumulation of PIP-Based KRAS Inhibitor KR12 Evaluated by the Use of a Simple, Versatile Chicken Egg Tumor Model. Cancers 2022, 14, 951. doi: 10.3390/cancers14040951

Thursday, January 6, 2022

The interview with Yuya Higashi, a Program-Specific Researcher of Tamanoi Group, is available on the website of iCeMS. In this interview, he is focused as the first author of the paper. You can check the article from here.


Wednesday, July 14, 2021

We have recently developed a novel type of iodine-carrying nanoparticles that are based on silica nanomaterials. We found that a mass of cancer cells can be destroyed by X-ray with a defined energy when these nanoparticles were taken up into cancer cells. The destruction involves release of electrons that cause double strand DNA breaks. This mechanism of directly destroying DNA may be advantageous compared to current radiation therapy that, in addition to direct effect on DNA, involves reactive oxygen species to destroy DNA. One of our interesting findings concerns the energy level of X-ray. We found that the X-ray with the energy corresponding to the K-edge energy of iodine produces maximum effect for tumor destruction. Understanding this observation requires deeper understanding of the photoelectron effect described by Albert Einstein in 1905.


【iCEMs English】

【iCEMs 日本語】

【Scientific Reports】

Higashi Y, Matsumoto K, Saitoh H, Shiro A, Ma Y, Laird M, Chinnathambi S, Birault A, Doan TLH, Yasuda R, Tajima T, Kawachi T, Tamanoi F. Iodine containing porous organosilica nanoparticles trigger tumor spheroids destruction upon monochromatic X-ray irradiation: DNA breaks and K-edge energy X-ray. Sci Rep. 2021 Jul 14;11(1):14192. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-93429-9.

Monday, March 29, 2021

Oe-san, an office assistant at Tamanoi G, has graduated from Kyoto university! Congratulations!! We had a meeting for the farewell to Oe-san, wishing her all the best in her future career.


Friday, December 11, 2020

The online event was held on December 5th, by QNM center which Prof. Tamanoi belongs to. See the detail from here.


Friday, August 7, 2020

Prof. Tamanoi and Mr. Matsumoto published two articles. See English one from here. 〈英語版〉


Tuesday, August 4, 2020

The Society of Nano Science and Technology, which Prof. Tamanoi belong to, released a statement on COVID-19. Prof. Tamanoi also participated in the process of making the statement.

See the statement from here.



【IMPORTANT】Tuesday, March 17, 2020

We have an important announcement. 

Due to corona virus, we decided to postpone our 2nd symposium. We are very sorry to inform this, but hope you understand the situation and expect the next one. 

The new date of the symposium hasn’t been decided yet. We will inform you when it’s decided. 




【POSTPONED】Thursday, February 6, 2020

2nd QNM symposium will be held on Friday, April 17th! It has been just decided! We hope much more people participate in! A detail will be gradually announced at time it's decided. Please check our news out!

第2回QNMシンポジウムの開催が決定しました!日にちは4月17日金曜日です。皆様、予定を空けておいてくださいね。 詳細は決まり次第当ウェブサイト上でも随時お知らせしていきますので、どうぞお見逃しなく!!

Friday, January 24, 2020

We are welcoming a new member, Urata-san, and missing Albane-san and Grace-san. By the way, those two researchers received the poster award last year! Congratulations!!

AlbaneさんGraceさんがご帰国され、新たに浦田さんをメンバーとして迎えました。 また、ご報告が遅くなりましたが、AlbaneさんとGraceさんのお二人は昨年ポスター賞を受賞されました!おめでとうございます!!

Monday, January 6, 2020

This is the first time to put two other news in the same day, but Grace who study with us for a year went back to Thailand, her homeland. Good luck on you and see you again!!


Monday, January 6, 2020

A Happy New Year!!! How was your new year holidays? Today is the first day of our work. This year, as well as the last year, we may keep studying cancer therapy, chicken egg tumor models, nano particles... Please keep watching us!


Monday, December 23, 2019

Merryyyyyy Christmas!!! Today, we had a Christmas party at Prof. Tamanoi's house!


Friday, December 13, 2019

The first symposium of QNM center was successfully held! More researchers than expected came, listened to lectures and discussed a lot.  Thank you for supporting us and coming to our symposium! We hope to meet you again in the next symposium!

To know more about QNM center, please look here.



Thursday, October 10, 2019

Our research results appear on the website of KUIAS!! See more from the link!




Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Jikken Igaku Bessatsu"患者由来がんモデルを用いたがん研究実践ガイド~CDX・スフェロイド・オルガノイド・PDX/PDOXを網羅 : 臨床検体の取り扱い指針から樹立プロトコールと入手法まで(Practical Guide for Cancer Research using Patient-Derived Experimental Model) " has been published from Yodosha. Ms. Komatsu, Mr. Matsumoto, Prof. Tamanoi are in charge of the chapter "Patient-Derived Chicken Egg : PDcE".

羊土社より「実験医学別冊『患者由来がんモデルを用いたがん研究実践ガイド~CDX・スフェロイド・オルガノイド・PDX/PDOXを網羅 : 臨床検体の取り扱い指針から樹立プロトコールと入手法まで』が発行されました。患者由来がんモデルの導入から実践まで網羅した1冊で、小松技術補佐員、松本助教、玉野井教授は「がんの鶏卵モデル」の章を担当しています。

Monday, September 30, 2019

We found that cancer cells can be killed by the Auger therapy using monochromatic X-ray and gadolinium-loaded nanoparticles. The key is to put gadolinium close to cancer cell nucleus. Usual X-ray therapy affects normal cells or the efficiency is diminished by absorption at the body surface. We believe that this new type of X-ray therapy could decrease adverse effect of current radiation therapy. On top of this, our therapy can amplify X-ray effect at the site of tumors.


【Scientific Reports】 

【iCeMS English】 

【iCeMS 日本語】 

このほか、日刊工業新聞、News Medical 等でも取り上げていただきました。ありがとうございます!

Friday, July 26, 2019

UCLA-Onsite Laboratory "Quantum Nano Medicine Research Center" was approved as one of the Kyoto University Onsite Labs recently. See the announcement by Kyoto University ( ).  

This center, one of the onsite labs within the Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS), will initiate activity on October 1, 2019 and aims to advance a new field of research that emerged from the fusion of physics and medicine. 

Professor Tamanoi will coordinate this center activity.

”量子ナノ医療研究センター”がUCLAと京都大学の On-site Laboratory に認定されました。(


Friday, July 5, 2019

We held the symposium on tumor model and Pathological diagnosis. More than 20 people participated, and listened carefully to Professors' talks.


Thursday, July 4, 2019

A symposium on tumor model and Pathological diagnosis will be held tomorrow! At Med-Pharm Collaboration Building 3F Seminar Room, from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Whoever wants to join us is welcome!! We will wait for your participation! (Access to the map


Monday, July 1, 2019

On June 24 and 25, Dr. Matsumoto went to Taiwan to give an presentation titled "Establishment of tumor model on chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) of fertilized chicken egg." 


Monday, June 10, 2019

Today, we invited Prof. Thang from Center for Innovative Materials and Architectures (INOMAR) in Vietnam, and we listened to his talk about "Nanostructured materials applied for clean energy, catalysis, data storage and biomedical usage". In the seminar, we had active discussions with audience and Prof. Tamanoi also had a little talk in front of them since there was a question about nanomaterial applications for cancer therapy.

今日はベトナムのINOMARから Thang 先生をお迎えし、「Nanostructured materials applied for clean energy, catalysis, data storage and biomedical usage」という題でご講演いただきました。セミナーの参加者との活発な議論が行われ、参加者の一人からナノマテリアルのがん治療への応用についての質問が出た際には、玉野井教授が前に出て答える場面もありました。

Friday, April 26, 2019

We went to Kamigamo Shrine (Kitaku, Kyoto) as a lab excursion to farewell Miguel-san. We will have 10-days holidays from tomorrow and Miguel-san will return to Spain after the holidays. See you Miguel-san and thank you so much!!

普段は食事ばかりのお別れ会ですが、今回は遠足で上賀茂神社に行ってみました。明日から10連休ですが、連休明けには Miguelさんがスペインに戻られます。Miguelさん本当に今までありがとうございました!そして皆様、よい連休をお過ごしください!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

We had the welcome lunch for new coming three people at La Tierra (Kamigyoku, Kyoto). We welcomed Ms. Birault from France, Ms. Intasa-ard from Thailand, and Mr. Gisbert Garzarán from Spain. Welcome and nice to meet you all!!

新たに研究室に加わった Albane さん(フランス)、Grace さん(タイ)、Miguel さん(スペイン)を歓迎し、お昼を食べました。みなさんようこそ!これからよろしくお願いします!

Friday, February 15, 2019

Professor Ogawa from Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology (VISTEC) gave us a lecture on "Precise Nanostructural Design of Titania" at iCeMS. Some researchers in iCeMS participated in the seminar and actively asked him questions about his research. Thank you!

VISTEC の小川先生がお越しくださり、iCeMS 本館にて「チタニアの精密なナノ構造」についてご講演いただきました。参加した iCeMS の研究者たちは熱心に聞き入り、活発な質疑応答もなされていました。小川先生、本当にありがとうございました!

Friday, December 21, 2018

Director Michel from Montpellier University visited us and had dinner together at Nha Viet Nam (Shimogyoku, Kyoto). This dinner is also farewell party for Mr.Tan. We had a great time together. Thank you Director Michel for visiting us, and thank you Mr. Tan for working with us!

フランスのモンペリエ大学から Michel 先生がお越しくださり、夕食をともにしました。今回の食事会は Tan さんの送別会も兼ねており、すてきな時間を過ごしました。玉野井ラボを訪ねてくださったミシェル先生、今まで共に働いてくれた Tan さん、本当にありがとうございます!

Thursday, November 29, 2018

We held the farewell party for Mr. Dat and Ms. Hanh at Taruhachi (Sakyoku, Kyoto). Thank you so much, Mr. Dat and Ms. Hanh!


November 15 & 16, 2018

iCeMS held its 25th International Symposium “Harnessing Physical Forces for Medical Application.” Prof. Tamanoi is the organizing chair. From our group, Prof. Tamanoi and Dr. Matsumoto attended.

玉野井教授が責任者を務める第25回iCeMS国際シンポジウム「Harnessing Physical Forces for Medical Application」が開催され、玉野井教授と松本特定助教が参加しました!!

Friday, November 9, 2018

iCeMS held the Science Festival, inviting high school student from Kyoto and Singapore. Dr. Matsumoto, Mr. Dat, and Ms. Komatsu gave students some quizzes and lectures on our research.

京都及びシンガポールから高校生を招いて、iCeMSでScience Festival が開催されました。玉野井グループからは、松本特定助教、Datさん、小松さんが参加し、研究に関するクイズを出したり講演をして、高校生と交流しました! 

Monday, August 6, 2018

We held the Welcome Party for Ms. Imai and Ms. Komatsu at Ma Cantine (Sakyoku, Kyoto). We had a good start to new team. Welcome!

Ma Cantineで今井さんと小松さんのウェルカムパーティーを開きました。 新たなメンバーを加え、よいスタートを切りました。玉野井グループへようこそ!

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Prof. Tamanoi attended the meeting “Patient-derived cancer model for the development of new treatments” at National Cancer Center (27th June- 28th June). On 28th June, professor gave a presentation “Chicken egg tumor model: potential as a patient-derived cancer model and the development system for nanomedicine.”



Tuesday, June 26, 2018

We participated in iCeMS retreat! Every year, iCeMS provides us the opportunity for communicating with researchers from various backgrounds. This time, the 10th retreat was held at Hikone View Hotel (Hikone, Shiga).


Monday, June 4, 2018

Tamanoi Group's research on chick chorioallantoic membrane assay is published in Scientific Reports! 

玉野井グループの研究成果が英国の科学誌Scientific Reportsに掲載されました。

This news was reported on the media. Here is Kyoto University's website (in Japanese).


Monday, May 28, 2018

From May 26 to May 28, two of us participated in “the 6th Japan-China Symposium on Nanomedicine” held at Hotel Hakucho and Shimane University (Matsue Campus) in Matsue, Shimane. Many researchers from China and Japan discussed latest researches on nanomedicine. We also gave a presentation on the analysis of novel nanomedicine using chicken egg tumor model. Thanks for inviting us, Prof. Fujita (Shimane University)!


You can see the photos of the symposium on Shimane University’s website (below).


Monday, May 14, 2018

Our website has been redesigned!


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Prof. Tamanoi participated in the symposium “Materiales mesoporosos: de 1991 a 2018” (Mesoporous materials: from 1991 to 2018) in Madrid, Spain. He gave a presentation titled “Cancer therapy using mesoporous silica nanoparticles.”

Some media reported this symposium, and here is one of them.

玉野井教授がマドリードで行われたシンポジウム「メソポーラス材料:1991年から2018年にかけて」で「メソポーラスシリカナノ粒子を用いたがん治療」と題した講演を行いました。多数メディアに報じられております。 Spanish)


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Prof. Dino Di Carlo, UCLA, gave a presentation for iCeMS seminar. Many researchers in iCeMS listened to him, and participants actively asked him about his research on novel diagnostic technology. Thank you!

UCLAからDino Di Carlo教授を招きiCeMSセミナーを行いました。iCeMSの多数の研究者が参加し、教授の診断技術に関する最新の研究について活発な議論を交わしました。

Saturday, March 31, 2018

We participated in the symposium, “Perspective of medicine and technology in 21st century,” at Nihonbashi Life Science Building, Tokyo. Researchers and companies from Japan and overseas discussed latest medical development. UCLA Japan Center held this symposium. Prof. Tamanoi gave a presentation as a professor of UCLA. He introduced our research and research in US. (For more information about research, please check our website.)

After the symposium, we have a reception party, and talked with many researchers and enterprises. Good chance to meet new field of medical research, thank you!





Tuesday, March 6, 2018

We had a dinner at Miyabi-an, Rokkaku-dori, Kyoto, with gratitude to Dr. Chen & Dr. Wu. Thank you very much for visiting!

In addition, Mr. Harada, an office assistant, got a master's degree in agriculture. Congratulations!

Furthermore, Ms. Ermishkina, our former secretary, will leave iCeMS. Thank you so much!

We gave postcards with our message to them.

Then, we welcome two new office assistant, Mr. Tsuji (Graduate School of Agriculture) and Ms. Ooe (Faculty of Education). Welcome!






Monday, March 5, 2018

We hold a seminar today. Dr. Yi-Ping Chen and Dr. Si-Han Wu from Taipei Medical University gave a presentation on nanomedicine. They joined in the chicken egg experiment and tested their nanoparticles. In the seminar, participants actively exchanged their opinions. iCeMS's internationalization continues to grow. Thank you very much, Dr. Chen and Dr. Wu!

台北医学大学からYi-Ping Chen准教授とSi-Han Wu准教授をお招きし、玉野井グループ主催セミナーを開催しました。お二人は台北医学大学でナノメディシンを研究していらっしゃり、今回の訪問期間では本研究室の鶏卵を用いた実験に参加されました。セミナーの参加者の方々との間で活発な議論が交わされ、有意義な国際交流となりました。Chen先生、Wu先生ありがとうございました!

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Sugiyama Lab (iCeMS) hold "The SPIRITS International Symposium2018: Multidisciplinary Approaches for Cell Control." Researchers from many countries gave a presentation for two days. On Feb. 27, Prof. Tamanoi appeared for "Session 4: Disease Modelling," and made a presentation on the treatment of ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer is very difficult to treat because of its recurrence. Professor introduced chemotherapeutic approaches to overcome such difficulties using mouse model and chicken egg model.

2月27日、28日にiCeMS本館にて、「The SPIRITS International Symposium 2018 "Multidisciplinary Approaches for Cell Control"」(iCeMS杉山グループ主催)が開催されました。iCeMSをはじめとする京都大学の研究者のほか、世界各国の研究者による発表が行われました。玉野井教授は27日の「Session 4: Disease Modelling」で登壇し、再発が大きな課題である卵巣がんの治療についてのマウスや鶏卵を用いた研究を紹介しました。


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

A year-end party was held at Nanzenji Junsei. We enjoyed Yudofu (simmered tofu).

Thanks Matsumoto-san for organizing the party!



Friday, November 10, 2017

We participated in the "iCeMS Science Festival." There were about 50 high school students from Singapore and 30 students from Kyoto invited. Twelve groups from iCeMS set the booths for high school students. High school students walked around the booths and enjoyed lectures or experiments. The last session of the day was a quiz related to twelve booths. Students and scientists had a great time.



Monday, November 6, 2017

We had a minisymposium at seminar room, iCeMS main building. Prof. Tamanoi, Prof. Uto (Graduate School of technology, Industrial and Social Sciences, Tokushima University), and Prof. Endo (Cancer Research Institute of Kanazawa University) introduced their researches on the chicken egg tumor model and cancer therapy.
